Ai? No, hi. Our hi technologyTM makes use of unique and unparalleled processing systems developed over thousands of years. Systems that are constantly learning and developing, constantly modifying heuristics and tweaking algorithms, while adapting to new situations based on an endless quest for new data, to then measure, change and morph ideas, finding the most perfectly fitted solution for your truly unique brand, design, advertising or product problem.
Welcome to
hi technologyTM
a curiosity-driven, collaborative brand development and growth process.
Harnessing the most complex decision-making system ̶ in development since cell division.
So, what is the ‘hi’ in hi Technology?
Simple: Human Interaction.
Specialised through millions of years of continous, incremental improvement, the human brain is the ultimate processor, capable of non-replicable levels of empathy and emotional understanding which are key in developing brands to love.
This is why we firmly believe the ultimate relationship technology is still human interaction.
No, we’re not Luddites. We actively harness the best, most current software and technology to produce highly impactful outputs for all our clients, yet always through the lens of true human experience, understanding, and human interaction.
Our technology is also responsibly powered by healthy snacks, coffee (and sometimes cake thanks to our fantastc partners and clients).
Communication is key, they say (and we agree).
It all starts by just saying ‘hi’.
A phonecall, a coffee catchup, a visit, or a simple friendly text – we take pride in maintaining our high hi%* at all times.
Why is that important?
- Genuine conversations grow into big ideas.
- First coffees end up as strong, long term relationships.
- Big ideas plus strong relationships equal authentic and meaningful creative outputs, with a whole lot of care for your brand wellbeing.
*We care enough to spend time chatting to our clients a fair bit.
Genuine conversations grow into big ideas.
Congruency and sour grapes
What is your brand? What does it mean to you and to others?
Is everything your business stands for – from your mission, vision and values, through to your service delivery – reflected in your brand outputs?
Just say hi.
We’re always keen to chat.
Reach out and let’s see what fun things we can do together to elevate your business, brand, organisation, school, product or services (yes, there are lots of things we can help with).
Got a business? We can help. Sell products? We can help. School? Not-for-profit? Organisation? Yup, we’re there.
Want to spread your message, make a noise or connect with a specifc audience? We can most certainly assist with that too.
Drop us a line on this form and see some of our recent work on instagram.